After we had so much fun last night, we got back to the hotel and Finn had a fever of 101. I hope we didn’t pass anything along, but at least we gave full disclosure. Finn was a bit needy during the night, and I ended up “sleeping” on the sofa bed with Finn while Matt was alone in the king size bed. I’m a little tired this morning.
Finn has so far gotten to watch more television than in his entire life while we get a little laundry done, and then we’ll head to the Costellos to pick up Nana and Liam for the Space Center. So exciting!

The Space Center was so much fun! We started off with a tram tour that took us to Johnson Space Center,

where we saw historic mission control, the astronaut training center, and Rocket Park. We also saw some cows, and I jokingly told Finn they were space cows. He took this very seriously and exclaimed, "Space cow!!" every time he saw one. The tour was really interesting, especially for the adults. Liam was totally amazed by the Saturn V rocket. We ate lunch after the tram tour and then went into the space center exhibits with two tired and cranky kids. They both like the computer simulations of docking the shuttle to the space station, the front of the shuttle with the command center, and learning about life in space.

I can’t imagine sleeping with my head strapped to my pillow. After we had explored a lot of the exhibits, I decided it was time to go. Liam pled for a little time in the play area, and then Matt wanted to see the space artifact show, and then we found a whole other area of the center where you could control the Mars rovers, pretend to be Mission Control and the Apollo mission, and have all sorts of fun. Nana really enjoyed it, too, expecially after she saw Finn climb into a small space capsule, lie down, look up, and say “hi, mommy”. I was downstairs playing mission control, and we could see each

other on the monitors. It was great, but then it was 3pm, Finn was huddled in a corner of a play area screaming “no!”, Liam was whining, and we realized we’d pushed our luck. Time to really leave!

After short naps, we went out to Mission Burritos, and met up with Melissa, Phil, Mary-Helen, Ellis, Alden, Nana, Sarah, and Jamie for a nice dinner and playtime for the boys. Liam went home with Jamie for another sleepover, and a very long day ended with a great visit with our friends. Alden is impossibly cute, and Liam and Jamie are complete BFFs.
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