Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tornado time

We woke up the boys at around 1am to go sleep in the basement. They were quite confused and we explained that there was a dangerous storm, so we had to sleep downstairs. Liam replied, as though speaking to himself, "But thunder is just noise, and lightening is just light." Nevertheless, they agreed to go downstairs, and seemed to think it was a bit of an adventure.

This morning I had the news on to see about the damage and what schools were closed. Liam looked at the pictures on the TV, considered them a bit, and then declared, "That's a junkyard." I explained that it was in fact the remains of someone's house that was damaged in the storm, and again he grew thougthful and looked at the tv a little longer.

Next thing I know, he has recruited Finn to play "tornadoes and buildings". Basically one of them gets to be the tornado and knock the other one down. It took a lot of negotiating as they were both eager to be the tornado rather than the building each time. I guess he had finally made sense of it as only a 4 year old can.

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