The boys were so excited by all of the exhibits at the museum. This was not, however, a place to be with a headache, and it was crawling with school groups. We did pretty well, though, and managed to see a lot. Liam learned how to use the camera, and took some pretty good pictures! My favorite part was building vehicles with Baufix in the inventor’s workshop. The boys enjoyed the periscopes, cow milking, magnet experiments, and most especially, the bus and car to play in. You’d think they would have had enough time in the car already . . .

After a little while at the museum, we faced facts and went back for short naps. Liam was the only one who was successful because Finn fell asleep in the car, but hopefully it will be enough to get us through tonight’s dinner.
We ate dinner at Barnaby’s, and the boys got giant hotdogs that they each ate only about a quarter of—I’d forgotten how big the portions are! Finn and Alden got along very well, smiling and laughing at each other while they ate. Finn even regressed to baby talk for the occasion, unfortunately. It was great to visit with Mary-Helen, Ellis, Phil and Melissa again, and it’s hard to believe it will be a long time until we get the chance again. On the way home, Finn resumed talking, non-stop, asking, “Why are we not in Melissa’s car? “ and pretending to have conversations with baby Alden. Very sweet. Then they resumed space shuttle play, with Liam telling Finn he’d melt his “firepipes”. Then, after eating very little dinner, Finn announced in the car, “I’m hungry!” They really know how to drive us crazy. Finn was obviously tired, though, and turned his unpleasantness way up when we got back to the hotel. We finally have teeth brushed, pyjamas on (except Liam, whose pyjamas I forgot to pack—oops!), and are reading books. I hope tonight everyone sleeps well, because I’m really tired from getting kicked all night by Finn the last two nights.
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