Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 8 February 16. Sulphur Springs, TX to Nashville, TN

Matt slept with Liam head-butting him all night and asserting his territory, while I slept with Finn adherent to my body and attempting to snuggle with his head either on top of mine or pressing into my back all night. We were definitely ready to be home in a more appropriate sleeping situation. As usual, the boys enjoyed the hotel breakfast, and it will likely be one aspect of the trip they’ll miss. No more fruit loops for a while!
Once on the road again, Liam declared that he would never go on another road trip. And I thought this was going so well!!
We listened to music (Finn can now identify Bob Dylan), played with new transformers (a bribe for the last day of driving) and mostly argued about transformers. Overall, the boys were pretty good. Lunch lasted forever, and included much frustration over eating, restrooms, and behavior. Did I mention how overtired the boys are at this point?
Another nap followed lunch, and by late afternoon, we once again caved into the power of DVDs. The boys happily, and quietly, watched Cars until we rolled into Nashville, ate dinner at home, and went to bed.
We were able to visit with a lot of people who are important to us, and the boys got to play in various parts of Texas. Overall, a good trip, but one we probably won’t repeat in the near future!

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