Liam and Finn have been known to be tucked into bed only to reappear in the den, out of bed, with a variety of things to say. Most of the time it's "I have to tell you something" or "Finn's not letting me sleep" or better yet "Liam woke me up". This can get pretty tiresome, as the boys have to be tucked in several times each evening. Last night, I decided to nip that in the bud and stand outside their door to redirect them immediately back to bed. After closing the door I heard the following:
Finn: "Liam, I love you."
Liam: "I love you to." Liam then lets out a big, tired groan.
Finn: "Liam, are you dead?"
Liam: "No, I'm just tired."
Those wacky boys...
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
A Finn conversation
Today was a big day for all of my boys. It is reading week at their school, and Matt agreed to come in and read to each of their classes. Then we remembered it was Liam's turn to be "host" at his Encore program that afternoon, so not only did we need to bring snack, but Matt was once again on the hook to read to the class.
So, I made blueberry muffins for snack, and when Finn came home he saw the extras sitting on the counter. Naturally I had made them vegan for Finn, but he had some questions:
Finn: What are those?
Me: Muffins.
Finn: Are they chocolate? (a child after my own heart!)
Me: No, they're blueberry.
Finn: (not listening to the answer beyond "no") What are they?
Me: (cooking dinner, only 1/2 paying attention) They're blueberries.
Finn: Am I allergic?
Me: No . . . (sensing the direction this is taking)
Finn: Can I have one?
Me: Yes, after dinner.
Finn: No!! I want one!!! (dissolves into tears and throws himself on the couch)
Later he will tell me that he hates me. Perhaps I will not make muffins again. I thought it was a pretty good line of questioning for a 2.5 year old, though!
So, I made blueberry muffins for snack, and when Finn came home he saw the extras sitting on the counter. Naturally I had made them vegan for Finn, but he had some questions:
Finn: What are those?
Me: Muffins.
Finn: Are they chocolate? (a child after my own heart!)
Me: No, they're blueberry.
Finn: (not listening to the answer beyond "no") What are they?
Me: (cooking dinner, only 1/2 paying attention) They're blueberries.
Finn: Am I allergic?
Me: No . . . (sensing the direction this is taking)
Finn: Can I have one?
Me: Yes, after dinner.
Finn: No!! I want one!!! (dissolves into tears and throws himself on the couch)
Later he will tell me that he hates me. Perhaps I will not make muffins again. I thought it was a pretty good line of questioning for a 2.5 year old, though!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Day 8 February 16. Sulphur Springs, TX to Nashville, TN
Matt slept with Liam head-butting him all night and asserting his territory, while I slept with Finn adherent to my body and attempting to snuggle with his head either on top of mine or pressing into my back all night. We were definitely ready to be home in a more appropriate sleeping situation. As usual, the boys enjoyed the hotel breakfast, and it will likely be one aspect of the trip they’ll miss. No more fruit loops for a while!
Once on the road again, Liam declared that he would never go on another road trip. And I thought this was going so well!!
We listened to music (Finn can now identify Bob Dylan), played with new transformers (a bribe for the last day of driving) and mostly argued about transformers. Overall, the boys were pretty good. Lunch lasted forever, and included much frustration over eating, restrooms, and behavior. Did I mention how overtired the boys are at this point?
Another nap followed lunch, and by late afternoon, we once again caved into the power of DVDs. The boys happily, and quietly, watched Cars until we rolled into Nashville, ate dinner at home, and went to bed.
We were able to visit with a lot of people who are important to us, and the boys got to play in various parts of Texas. Overall, a good trip, but one we probably won’t repeat in the near future!
Once on the road again, Liam declared that he would never go on another road trip. And I thought this was going so well!!
We listened to music (Finn can now identify Bob Dylan), played with new transformers (a bribe for the last day of driving) and mostly argued about transformers. Overall, the boys were pretty good. Lunch lasted forever, and included much frustration over eating, restrooms, and behavior. Did I mention how overtired the boys are at this point?
Another nap followed lunch, and by late afternoon, we once again caved into the power of DVDs. The boys happily, and quietly, watched Cars until we rolled into Nashville, ate dinner at home, and went to bed.
We were able to visit with a lot of people who are important to us, and the boys got to play in various parts of Texas. Overall, a good trip, but one we probably won’t repeat in the near future!
Day 7. February 15. Austin, TX to Sulphur Springs, TX.
We had a pokey morning, and went to the playground for more boy time. Unfortunately, Finn had a major pants blow-out and we had to leave, at which point it became rather obvious that our boys were incredibly tired and emotionally fragile.
The end of the trip was definitely in sight. Our final hurrah was going out to lunch at Phil’s, which had fabulous burgers and a great playground for the boys. I wish we had one in Nashville. Anyone want to open a franchise here?
When it was time to go, there were lots of tears. Liam would very much like to move into Andy’s house. They fell asleep quickly in the car, though, and slept until we stopped for dinner in Dallas. Finn really enjoys corn on the cob, and I can think of little that is more entertaining than watching him attack it.
On to Sulphur Springs, which has a surprisingly nice Holiday Inn Express. I’m sure there was conversation, but boy were we all tired. Another late night before one more day on the road.

When it was time to go, there were lots of tears. Liam would very much like to move into Andy’s house. They fell asleep quickly in the car, though, and slept until we stopped for dinner in Dallas. Finn really enjoys corn on the cob, and I can think of little that is more entertaining than watching him attack it.

On to Sulphur Springs, which has a surprisingly nice Holiday Inn Express. I’m sure there was conversation, but boy were we all tired. Another late night before one more day on the road.
Day 6: February 14. San Antonio to Austin, TX
After a late night, the boys slept in a bit, Finn especially. Liam once again relished the hotel breakfast buffet, sampling a blueberry muffin, fruit loops, eggs, bacon, 2 cups of milk, and some hot chocolate. I think he’s feeling better.
This morning we are going to the zoo and to ride the train, and then off to Austin to see Heather, Dave, Andy, and Ethan.
The boys enjoyed the train ride a lot, and really liked all of the animals at the zoo, especially the ones we don’t have in the Nashville zoo. Finn decided that an area of Africa Live! Was our cage, and we needed to stay there. There were eggs in one cornder of our “cage” and both boys decided they needed to sit on them.
Liam also showed a surprising interest in snakes, saying that 
he was scared of them, but they interested him. They also enjoyed the lion, bears, kangaroos, komodo dragons, and the baby gibbon. The baby gibbon was a big hit with us because it kept sneaking out of its cage and swinging on the outside. It was all arms and legs, and impossibly cute. 
After the zoo, we drove to Austin, with naps on the way, and arrived at “Andy’s house”. The boys were so happy to be at a house with such fabulous toys. Matt and I also really enjoyed the legos. The boys tied the plasma cars together and dragged each other all over the house. They also played dress us and spied around the house. Going to bed was not entirely successful, but eventually they all went to sleep. We had a chance to visit, too, and thoroughly enjoyed watching all of the boys together.

This morning we are going to the zoo and to ride the train, and then off to Austin to see Heather, Dave, Andy, and Ethan.

The boys enjoyed the train ride a lot, and really liked all of the animals at the zoo, especially the ones we don’t have in the Nashville zoo. Finn decided that an area of Africa Live! Was our cage, and we needed to stay there. There were eggs in one cornder of our “cage” and both boys decided they needed to sit on them.

After the zoo, we drove to Austin, with naps on the way, and arrived at “Andy’s house”. The boys were so happy to be at a house with such fabulous toys. Matt and I also really enjoyed the legos. The boys tied the plasma cars together and dragged each other all over the house. They also played dress us and spied around the house. Going to bed was not entirely successful, but eventually they all went to sleep. We had a chance to visit, too, and thoroughly enjoyed watching all of the boys together.

Day 5: February 13. Houston to San Antonio, TX
We had a bit of a slow morning and headed over to the Costellos to visit one last time before we headed out. The boys had a great time, with Liam and Jamie playing “stuck in the chocolate” with the pillows downstairs, and hiding in Jamie’s bed together waiting to be discovered. Finn and Connor had more of an independent play experience, and the grown-up got to visit, too.
Finally, it was time to go. The boys had some sandwiches on the road, and Finn took a good two hour nap. Liam rested nicely, and we got into San Antonio around 3pm. After picking up swim trunks for Matt and a little to eat, we all took a swim together at the hotel. Liam is scared silly of getting in too deep, but Finn actually did a little better this time. They both enjoyed “swimming” with me and playing sharks, until Matt got in, and then wanted nothing to do with me.
After cleaning up we went out to see Clint, Kelly, Sabryn, and Shea. The kids didn’t really remember each other, which was sad, but soon they didn’t want to be separated. We ended up going out to dinner kind of late, but the boys behaved amazingly well, and the grown-ups got to talk and visit. We ate some really good Tex-Mex, and then headed back to the hotel.
When we got back, Matt put the boys to bed, and my friend Beth and her boyfriend Bill came over to visit. We hadn’t seen each other in so long, and it was really nice to get the chance to catch up while the boys slept.
Once again, we managed to fit a lot into one day!
Finally, it was time to go. The boys had some sandwiches on the road, and Finn took a good two hour nap. Liam rested nicely, and we got into San Antonio around 3pm. After picking up swim trunks for Matt and a little to eat, we all took a swim together at the hotel. Liam is scared silly of getting in too deep, but Finn actually did a little better this time. They both enjoyed “swimming” with me and playing sharks, until Matt got in, and then wanted nothing to do with me.
After cleaning up we went out to see Clint, Kelly, Sabryn, and Shea. The kids didn’t really remember each other, which was sad, but soon they didn’t want to be separated. We ended up going out to dinner kind of late, but the boys behaved amazingly well, and the grown-ups got to talk and visit. We ate some really good Tex-Mex, and then headed back to the hotel.
When we got back, Matt put the boys to bed, and my friend Beth and her boyfriend Bill came over to visit. We hadn’t seen each other in so long, and it was really nice to get the chance to catch up while the boys slept.
Once again, we managed to fit a lot into one day!
Day 4: February 12. Houston, TX
This morning we picked up Liam at the Costellos and lamented the inadequate room in our car for Jamie’s carseat. If only we had a big gas guzzling SUV! Of course, then we probably couldn’t have afforded this trip. Uncle Leo took Nana off to the airport, and we set off for the Children’s Museum. 
The boys were so excited by all of the exhibits at the museum. This was not, however, a place to be with a headache, and it was crawling with school groups. We did pretty well, though, and managed to see a lot. Liam learned how to use the camera, and took some pretty good pictures! My favorite part was building vehicles with Baufix in the inventor’s workshop. The boys enjoyed the periscopes, cow milking, magnet experiments, and most especially, the bus and car to play in. You’d think they would have had enough time in the car already . . .
By lunchtime it was pouring rain, so we brought in our picnic and tried to wait it out. After lunch it was still drizzling and we debated naps versus butterflies. Butterflies seemed the way to go, and we headed over to the science museum. We apparently has perfect timing, as the exhibit halls are free on Tuesday afternoon starting at 2pm, so we paid $6 to see the butterfly exhibit, and then headed over to the exhibit hall. By this time, Liam was feeling sick, but we perked him up with advil and kept going, because, y’know, it was free. The boys both really enjoyed the dinosaur skeletons and Matt liked the gem and mineral exhibit. They even got to search for real fossils together. Finn handled the forceps pretty durn well! 
After a little while at the museum, we faced facts and went back for short naps. Liam was the only one who was successful because Finn fell asleep in the car, but hopefully it will be enough to get us through tonight’s dinner.
We ate dinner at Barnaby’s, and the boys got giant hotdogs that they each ate only about a quarter of—I’d forgotten how big the portions are! Finn and Alden got along very well, smiling and laughing at each other while they ate. Finn even regressed to baby talk for the occasion, unfortunately. It was great to visit with Mary-Helen, Ellis, Phil and Melissa again, and it’s hard to believe it will be a long time until we get the chance again. On the way home, Finn resumed talking, non-stop, asking, “Why are we not in Melissa’s car? “ and pretending to have conversations with baby Alden. Very sweet. Then they resumed space shuttle play, with Liam telling Finn he’d melt his “firepipes”. Then, after eating very little dinner, Finn announced in the car, “I’m hungry!” They really know how to drive us crazy. Finn was obviously tired, though, and turned his unpleasantness way up when we got back to the hotel. We finally have teeth brushed, pyjamas on (except Liam, whose pyjamas I forgot to pack—oops!), and are reading books. I hope tonight everyone sleeps well, because I’m really tired from getting kicked all night by Finn the last two nights.

The boys were so excited by all of the exhibits at the museum. This was not, however, a place to be with a headache, and it was crawling with school groups. We did pretty well, though, and managed to see a lot. Liam learned how to use the camera, and took some pretty good pictures! My favorite part was building vehicles with Baufix in the inventor’s workshop. The boys enjoyed the periscopes, cow milking, magnet experiments, and most especially, the bus and car to play in. You’d think they would have had enough time in the car already . . .

After a little while at the museum, we faced facts and went back for short naps. Liam was the only one who was successful because Finn fell asleep in the car, but hopefully it will be enough to get us through tonight’s dinner.
We ate dinner at Barnaby’s, and the boys got giant hotdogs that they each ate only about a quarter of—I’d forgotten how big the portions are! Finn and Alden got along very well, smiling and laughing at each other while they ate. Finn even regressed to baby talk for the occasion, unfortunately. It was great to visit with Mary-Helen, Ellis, Phil and Melissa again, and it’s hard to believe it will be a long time until we get the chance again. On the way home, Finn resumed talking, non-stop, asking, “Why are we not in Melissa’s car? “ and pretending to have conversations with baby Alden. Very sweet. Then they resumed space shuttle play, with Liam telling Finn he’d melt his “firepipes”. Then, after eating very little dinner, Finn announced in the car, “I’m hungry!” They really know how to drive us crazy. Finn was obviously tired, though, and turned his unpleasantness way up when we got back to the hotel. We finally have teeth brushed, pyjamas on (except Liam, whose pyjamas I forgot to pack—oops!), and are reading books. I hope tonight everyone sleeps well, because I’m really tired from getting kicked all night by Finn the last two nights.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Tour de Tejas, Day 3
Day 3 Houston, TX
After we had so much fun last night, we got back to the hotel and Finn had a fever of 101. I hope we didn’t pass anything along, but at least we gave full disclosure. Finn was a bit needy during the night, and I ended up “sleeping” on the sofa bed with Finn while Matt was alone in the king size bed. I’m a little tired this morning.

The Space Center was so much fun! We started off with a tram tour that took us to Johnson Space Center,
where we saw historic mission control, the astronaut training center, and Rocket Park. We also saw some cows, and I jokingly told Finn they were space cows. He took this very seriously and exclaimed, "Space cow!!" every time he saw one. The tour was really interesting, especially for the adults. Liam was totally amazed by the Saturn V rocket. We ate lunch after the tram tour and then went into the space center exhibits with two tired and cranky kids. They both like the computer simulations of docking the shuttle to the space station, the front of the shuttle with the command center, and learning about life in space.
I can’t imagine sleeping with my head strapped to my pillow. After we had explored a lot of the exhibits, I decided it was time to go. Liam pled for a little time in the play area, and then Matt wanted to see the space artifact show, and then we found a whole other area of the center where you could control the Mars rovers, pretend to be Mission Control and the Apollo mission, and have all sorts of fun. Nana really enjoyed it, too, expecially after she saw Finn climb into a small space capsule, lie down, look up, and say “hi, mommy”. I was downstairs playing mission control, and we could see each
other on the monitors. It was great, but then it was 3pm, Finn was huddled in a corner of a play area screaming “no!”, Liam was whining, and we realized we’d pushed our luck. Time to really leave!

After short naps, we went out to Mission Burritos, and met up with Melissa, Phil, Mary-Helen, Ellis, Alden, Nana, Sarah, and Jamie for a nice dinner and playtime for the boys. Liam went home with Jamie for another sleepover, and a very long day ended with a great visit with our friends. Alden is impossibly cute, and Liam and Jamie are complete BFFs.
After we had so much fun last night, we got back to the hotel and Finn had a fever of 101. I hope we didn’t pass anything along, but at least we gave full disclosure. Finn was a bit needy during the night, and I ended up “sleeping” on the sofa bed with Finn while Matt was alone in the king size bed. I’m a little tired this morning.
Finn has so far gotten to watch more television than in his entire life while we get a little laundry done, and then we’ll head to the Costellos to pick up Nana and Liam for the Space Center. So exciting!

The Space Center was so much fun! We started off with a tram tour that took us to Johnson Space Center,

After short naps, we went out to Mission Burritos, and met up with Melissa, Phil, Mary-Helen, Ellis, Alden, Nana, Sarah, and Jamie for a nice dinner and playtime for the boys. Liam went home with Jamie for another sleepover, and a very long day ended with a great visit with our friends. Alden is impossibly cute, and Liam and Jamie are complete BFFs.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Tour de Tejas, Day 2
Day 2: Laurel, MS to Houston, TX
Going to bed was pretty entertaining last night, even with Finn’s fever. The advil helped a lot, and he was in rare form as we went to bed, asking to switch pillows, sides of the bed, etc. At 1:30am he woke up thirsty and hot, and got some more advil and water. This morning he seems fine, having spent the night either adherent to my body or with his feet in my face.
5:00am Matt wakes up, confused about the time, showers and get dressed. The boys and I do not.
6:45am The boys and I are up, Finn seems healthy, and the bed is damp. Fun!
7:30am Breakfast takes forever, as Liam wants to try everything. So many choices! What a wonderful place the Hampton Inn is!
8:30am On the road again, leappads on hand. So far, we have managed to not show movies, but to listen to music, talk and play. We’ll see how long this lasts.

Well, I drove for the rest of the day, so no more play-by-plays, but we had a pretty good day! We stopped for lunch in a nice town outside of Baton Rouge, and Liam was intrigued by the swamps we crossed. Both boys also appreciated the words “Achafalaya” and “Opelousas”. They took really good naps, and we were all excited to cross into Texas.
The excitement waned a bit when Houston and the cousins didn’t materialize immediately, and at 4:00pm, we broke down and broke out the Backyardigans. Peace and quiet!
After checking into the hotel, we went over to “Jamie and Connor’s house” where they boys acted as though they were BFFs who had seen each other yesterday. They played so nicely together, which gave us a chance to visit with our friends Paul and Claire Brady, and to catch up with Mom, Sarah, and Leo. The Mediterranean food was fantastic, and Liam asked if he could have a sleepover.
Going to bed was pretty entertaining last night, even with Finn’s fever. The advil helped a lot, and he was in rare form as we went to bed, asking to switch pillows, sides of the bed, etc. At 1:30am he woke up thirsty and hot, and got some more advil and water. This morning he seems fine, having spent the night either adherent to my body or with his feet in my face.
5:00am Matt wakes up, confused about the time, showers and get dressed. The boys and I do not.
6:45am The boys and I are up, Finn seems healthy, and the bed is damp. Fun!
7:30am Breakfast takes forever, as Liam wants to try everything. So many choices! What a wonderful place the Hampton Inn is!
8:30am On the road again, leappads on hand. So far, we have managed to not show movies, but to listen to music, talk and play. We’ll see how long this lasts.

Well, I drove for the rest of the day, so no more play-by-plays, but we had a pretty good day! We stopped for lunch in a nice town outside of Baton Rouge, and Liam was intrigued by the swamps we crossed. Both boys also appreciated the words “Achafalaya” and “Opelousas”. They took really good naps, and we were all excited to cross into Texas.
The excitement waned a bit when Houston and the cousins didn’t materialize immediately, and at 4:00pm, we broke down and broke out the Backyardigans. Peace and quiet!
After checking into the hotel, we went over to “Jamie and Connor’s house” where they boys acted as though they were BFFs who had seen each other yesterday. They played so nicely together, which gave us a chance to visit with our friends Paul and Claire Brady, and to catch up with Mom, Sarah, and Leo. The Mediterranean food was fantastic, and Liam asked if he could have a sleepover.

Since Finn was still not well, we took him back to the hotel, and Liam got to have his first sleepover ever. I hope he behaves well! Last we saw him, he was happily reading books. 

Saturday, February 9, 2008
Tour de Tejas, Day 1
We are on the road to TX, and I thought I'd blog as we go, so here's day 1:
8:30am We are officially on the road.
8:40am The ipod stops working.
9:36am Liam: Are we almost in Mississippi? No, Liam, we have to get to Alabama first. We’re going to spend most of the day in Alabama. Liam: I don’t want to spend the day in Alabama!!!!!

2:30pm On the road again. The boys are having fun with their leappads and definitely not napping. Still no Best Buy or place to fix the ipod, but there is peace in the car.
3:30pm Liam napped and Finn was somewhat quiet. Upon waking, snacktime resumed, and we listened to some music.
5:30pm We arrive at the horrid town of Laurel, MS. Don’t come here. Enough said.
6:00pm Finn has a fever of 102. Please, please let this be the prodrome to a simple cold. Here’s to tomorrow!

Day one:
6:00am The boys are up. Time to wake up and get finished packing.
6:00am The boys are up. Time to wake up and get finished packing.
8:30am We are officially on the road.
8:40am The ipod stops working.
9:00am We rig up the DC to AC power inverter to the computer, and play music directly from the computer through the speakers. Matt points out that the power is being converted from DC to AC, then through the computer’s cord back to DC. There are a lot of wires, and a computer in my lap. Not ideal. Hopefully there is a Best Buy in Huntsville.
9:20am Liam asks if we are still in Tennessee, and announces that his bottom hurts from sitting too long. Inauspicious.
9:25am We have a family conversation about hot pants.
9:36am Liam: Are we almost in Mississippi? No, Liam, we have to get to Alabama first. We’re going to spend most of the day in Alabama. Liam: I don’t want to spend the day in Alabama!!!!!
9:50am Liam reaffirms that his bottom is still hurting from sitting too long.
9:54am We enter Alabama. Finn points to the right and says, “There’s Mississippi.” I wish I could write it the way he says it, because it’s really cute. There is a big rocket at the Alabama welcome center. Liam is quite impressed. We learn it is a Saturn 1B, predecessor to the Saturn V that took the Apollo mission to the moon. Liam is also quite pleased with the Huntsville Space center brochure he acquires. Fortunately, he is too young to know to ask if we can go there.

10:30am The snackgates have opened. What began with a mid-morning snack of pretzels has now become pretzels, bananas, and dried blueberries. So far. The boys are now officially eating their way through Alabama.
11:30am Finn announces he is hungry, starts crying about wanting Liam’s space center brochure, and promptly falls asleep. Now we need to find a place to picnic in Birmingham. The Alabama adventure had looked promising, but it turns out to be a small amusement park, closed for the season. Good thing the boys were asleep, or they would have cried about it.
12:00pm No luck in Birmingham, but we find the Tannenhill Ironworks State Park on the way to Tuscaloosa. What a treasure! We have a picnic, a great little hike to the furnace works, and then learn all about iron smelting and the Civil War in the museum. Of course, the fact that Matt appears to have lost all of our travel money at the last rest stop makes it a bit less pleasant, as does Finn’s large splinter, but there you go.

3:30pm Liam napped and Finn was somewhat quiet. Upon waking, snacktime resumed, and we listened to some music.
4:30pm Almost there. We paased a sign for Pachuta, and somehow Matt and I started to sing Pachuta, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya to Bermuda, Bahama. Etc. Finn really enjoyed the “Bermuda, Bahama” part and started saying, “Babuda, Bobo, bathtub!” When we all laughed, he added, “Bob the Builder!” Liam tried to get some of the attention, repeating “Bathtub!” and we had to tell him it was only funny once. So he added in bumblebee, buck and bock. Matt tried to mess the game by saying “Underwear!” (yes, we were all laughing pretty hard at this point without a definable cause). He explained it was bumblebee underwear (Liam has transformer bumblebee underwear) which made Finn exclaim “Pull-ups! Pyjamas!” Oh my.
5:30pm We arrive at the horrid town of Laurel, MS. Don’t come here. Enough said.
6:00pm Finn has a fever of 102. Please, please let this be the prodrome to a simple cold. Here’s to tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tornado time
We woke up the boys at around 1am to go sleep in the basement. They were quite confused and we explained that there was a dangerous storm, so we had to sleep downstairs. Liam replied, as though speaking to himself, "But thunder is just noise, and lightening is just light." Nevertheless, they agreed to go downstairs, and seemed to think it was a bit of an adventure.
This morning I had the news on to see about the damage and what schools were closed. Liam looked at the pictures on the TV, considered them a bit, and then declared, "That's a junkyard." I explained that it was in fact the remains of someone's house that was damaged in the storm, and again he grew thougthful and looked at the tv a little longer.
Next thing I know, he has recruited Finn to play "tornadoes and buildings". Basically one of them gets to be the tornado and knock the other one down. It took a lot of negotiating as they were both eager to be the tornado rather than the building each time. I guess he had finally made sense of it as only a 4 year old can.
This morning I had the news on to see about the damage and what schools were closed. Liam looked at the pictures on the TV, considered them a bit, and then declared, "That's a junkyard." I explained that it was in fact the remains of someone's house that was damaged in the storm, and again he grew thougthful and looked at the tv a little longer.
Next thing I know, he has recruited Finn to play "tornadoes and buildings". Basically one of them gets to be the tornado and knock the other one down. It took a lot of negotiating as they were both eager to be the tornado rather than the building each time. I guess he had finally made sense of it as only a 4 year old can.
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