Sunday, August 5, 2007

Liam Lexicon

The boy is smart. The boy is gifted. The boy still has some funny "Liam-isms" that show up and have even been adopted by Finn. We still have "camote retrol" for television and DVD player. Some of our favorite reading material is the Birthday Express catalog that comes in the mail. Of course it is Liam's "mazagine". He has spent days looking over it-

"Look Finn, monster trucks." (as both boys would enjoy a monster truck party)
"Monster trucks?" says Finn.
"Yes." Liam turns the page.
"Monster trucks?"
"No, ponies." Liam turns the page.
"Monster trucks?"
"No, Elmo." Liam turns the page.
"More trucks?" Finn asks again. And so on...

And of course, "hangebur". Pronounced hang geh burr. As in, "hot dogs and hangeburs". Which reminds me that we have become VERY picky about dinner. Liam will say, "I don't like it." To which Finn will then chime in, even if to this point he has been happily eating dinner, "No like it." Then they will both squish up their faces and twist away from the plate as if offered a feast of mealworms. Mealworms without any ketchup if you can believe the horror of it all.

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