Tuesday, July 31, 2007

thank goodness for ebay

Matt and I are a bit tired of frantically searching the house for "Jamie's car". It has become utterly essential to Finn's every sleeping and waking moment. Liam has been telling Finn over and over again that it is not really Finn's car, it is Jamie's. Then he cries that Finn "never shares Jamie's car!"

So what is a parent to do? Go to ebay, and look for another purple scion. It is a 2004 model, so it was not in any of the local stores. Ebay had one dark metallic purple matchbox scion. The price, including shipping, seemed outrageous, but if it bought us a little less stress when trying to find this car for bedtime, it was worth it.

The car arrived in the mail yesterday. A lovely, 2004 scion, in dark metallic . . . red. Unfortunately, Liam saw it, and got all excited to have a scion of his own. The package was opened, the shiny red scion removed, and Liam was thrilled to have his very own Jamie's car. He got a little frantic when he couldn't find it later, and then wanted to take it to bed. So we ended up searching to house for two scions for bedtime. The seller agreed to refund the cost, even though it was opened, but there was no taking it away from Liam.

So now we have two "Jamie's car" to keep track of. Yay. Glad I solved that problem.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That scenario seems all too real to me... I can totally imagine the same thing happening here! I'm glad the munchkins provide you with so much amusement...