Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hide and Seek

It has been oppressively hot outside for the last couple of weeks, and the boys have been forced inside more than usual. As a result, Liam has re-discovered the fun of playing hide-and-seek with me. Fortunately, Finn is a bit older and no longer cries pitifully when he can't find me, so it is more fun for me, too. Liam, however, still doesn't really get it.

When he hid the first time, he asked me for help hiding in the bathtub. I told him I couldn't help, because I would be looking for him. I found both him and Finn in the bathtub. A fine place to hide. When he hid the second time, I called out loudly, "I think I'll check the bathtub again!" because I knew he'd be somewhere else and I like to really look around before I find him. Now, Liam is not very good at hiding, but he has a few different spots in his repertoire, including closets. Well, really it is just closets and the bathtub. I've tried to demonstrate some other hiding places, but he never finds me, so he sticks to his closets and bathtub.

Naturally, on this turn, he was once again in the bathtub. He asked, "How did you find me?" I told him I just looked where he had hid last time. For his next turn, I once again announced I would begin my search in the bathtub. Once again he was there. Matt and I tried to explain that you have to change where you hide, and eventually he hid in the closet. With his toes sticking out. Again, "How did you find me?" He could really play this all day. I'll admit, it's kind of fun!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Jamie loves this game too. His favorite is sort of a cross between hide and seek and sardines. He gets everyone involved to hide together. Of course, that leaves nobody to seek. So we all sit in the stairwell, or behind a chair, and wait....