Friday, August 8, 2008


About every month or so, one of the moms at the boys' school who teaches yoga comes with mats in hand to do yoga with the kids. They just love it. The other night they happily demonstrated their tree pose and downward dog. They also do cat/cow, wherein they alternate a downward dog-type stance with their backs arched (the cat) with the cow pose with their head out and back down. This is accompanied by hissing and mooing, as appropriate. Equally cute are the butterfly and turtle.

Finn also wanted to show me how he could do a handstand of sorts, with his feet on the seat of a chair. He seemed pretty certain that this, too, pertained to yoga. Apparently, they didn't realize that doing yoga warranted a parental audience, and were quite excited. There was lots of "watch my turtle!" and "look at this yoga!". For a finale, after all of these cute animal poses, Liam declared that he had one more pose, and that "it's not real yoga, but I made it up. This is ROCKET!" It was a little more dynamic of a pose, to say the least.

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