Friday, July 6, 2007

Bobo's Car

Recently, the boys have developed a new game. Specifically, Finn started it. While driving, or parking, he spots a green jeep. Typically it is of the Ford make, but it can vary. He gets all excited and yells, "Bobo's car!!" I think he really expects Bobo to be in it. Sometimes, he'll see a little red car and do the same thing.

Liam has sensed how sweet we think this is, so he has now started looking for cars that resemble Geof's, and yelling "Bobo's car! Bobo's car!". Of course, poor little Finn gets all excited before realizing that Liam is just playing. And then he starts doing it as well. Soon enough, both boys are playing "Bobo's car" in the backseat. It's quite cute.

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