Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Do I win now?

So, tonight was exciting because I made it home by only a little after 7pm. I only worked 12 hours and got to see the kids in the morning and the evening. Matt went off to "Man-Night" and I got to read stories, brush teeth and put the kids to bed. We spent some time looking at a world map and talking about where their babysitter was vacationing. I felt pretty good about it all. They even went to bed well.

Then, I started to got through their school papers and found a picture Liam had drawn. It had three people in it. Yes, I turned on the hall light and went into their bedroom to ask, "Liam, who is in this picture?" He smiled, pleased I was paying attention to his art, and happily pointed out, "Daddy, me, and Finn!" When he saw my face drop, he said, "Oh, I forgot you. Well, I can add you in tomorrow." He was pleased with his solution and went back to bed. I returned to the kitchen to feel sorry for myself.

So, do I win the bad mommy award now that I'm not even included in the family picture?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh dear. I don't think this makes you a bad mommy, just a sad mommy.