Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Material Boy

Liam is getting excited for his birthday well in advance. At first he was just planning the party, and I encouraged it because I need all the help I can get. Now, however, he is heavily invested in what gifts he would like to receive. The other day he asked for "one of those drawing things, with two knobs". An etch-a-sketch, I ask? Yes. Good. An etch-a-sketch is a good toy. More recently, though, his requests have gotten a bit bigger. He told us that he really wants an earpod. "You mean an ipod?" "Yes." When Matt and I told him, unequivocally, no, he said other kids in his class had one. When told it was too expensive, he said he just wanted the really small one (!). When I asked what he would even listen to, he said, "Rock, country, jazz, I like a lot of music." Sigh. I hope he'll still be happy with legos and an etch-a-sketch.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

that is too funny! How does he know that stuff? Jamie doesn't know any music unless it's Johnny Cash or the Backyardigans. Can I have dibs on the etch-a-sketch for Liam?

Oh, and one more thing... when you have a minute, remind me how to play freeze tag.