Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Little carnivore

On the way home yesterday, I asked Liam what he did in school that day. He told me that were learning about Halloween. When I asked what sorts of things they learned, he told me he drew a picture of bats. This prompted further conversation on bats:
Liam: What do bats eat?
Me: Mosquitos and other bugs.
Liam: And fruit.
Me: Yes, some bats eat fruit.
Liam: What do vampire bats eat?
Me: Um, blood.
Liam: Whose blood?
Me: (thinking how fortunate it was that I studied vampire bats in an animal behavior class in college) Sheep, goats, that sort of animal. Maybe cows.
Liam: What about horses?
Me: (Shoot! I don't remember!) Um, sure, probably horses, too.
Liam: I like cows.
Me: (phew! a change of subject!) Great! What do you like about cows?
Liam: I like meat. It's healthy.
Me: Uh, yeah. Sure.
Liam: It's in the same group as nuts.
Me: Yes it is, yes it is.
I guess they are learning about more than just Halloween. Who would have thought I'd have a child who like cows because they are tasty?