Tuesday, May 22, 2007


A quick summary of the past 45 minutes:
Finn arrives and announces, "Dinner!!!!" Dinner is served as follows:

First Course: Chicken, broccoli, and pita bread. Finn eats all of the broccoli and pita bread, then demands, "Mo' Boccli!" We tell him he may have more broccoli after he eats his chicken. Finn's response? "Boccli NOW!" Our point is reemphasized, the scene is repeated, and finally Finn relents, saying, "Okay. Eat chicken."

Second course: More broccoli. More pita bread.

Third course: Liam has made a "happy plate" and asks for a treat. Both boys receive 5 mini marshmallows. And more pita bread, because they are still hungry.

Fourth course: Cereal. Liam chooses frosted mini wheats, and Finn chooses Cheerios.

Fifth Course: Liam chooses Cheerios, having finished his mini wheats.

I think dinner is coming to a close. Keep your fingers crossed. Matt and I have now been finished for a half hour, and have cleaned up the kitchen.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I dream of such a day...