Thursday, April 19, 2007

ABC, easy as 123

Finn sang his ABCs tonight in the bathtub!!! We were all so excited. He has been stuck at "g" for a while now, and then all of the sudden tonight made it to "v" with ease. It was a very exciting moment for all of us. His other very cute current habit is to turn everything into a phone. At dinner, he puts his napkin to his ear and says, "Hello!" then laughs. It reminds us of when Liam was about his age, and would put his dinner to bed. He would put his napkin over his plate and say "night, night". So sweet.

In other exciting news, Connor Costello said "hi" to me on the phone today! Yes, I know this isn't their blog, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew. Sarah told him to say "Hi, Aunt Meg!" and he replied "HI!!!!!!!" I feel quite special, thank you very much!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's true, I was there (for Connor's hi, not the other stuff)! Cute story about the ABC's. I can't wait to see the boys next month!