So I will contribute the following kernels of joy from my small, small men.
From Liam:
"Daddy, I'm a lot like Bert because I like pigeons and I love how they walk. Could you start the music again, I need to go back to sleep."
From Finn:
After telling him about how daddy's "tummy has ow-ies" and "daddy sick", Finn directed Megan with a simple point and "Daddy medicine". No surgeon there folks.
Also the big news of the day, Liam successfully wrote his name with no assistance whatsoever. It is on his Mother's Day card to Meg, which also includes an "emergency cross", a tracing of Sheriff from CARS, and the desire to add an ambulance because this is an emergency card. Upon asking why, his reply was simply that these things make you feel protected. I guess so.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Finn was naughty at dinner tonight. He threw his fork and shoved his plate away (quite the temper my little guy has, eh?). Liam looked at him, and said, "Jesus would be mad at you, Finn!" Matt corrected him, saying, "I think he would be disappointed, not mad." Liam replied, "Jesus would be disappointed in you, Finn!" I told Liam that, yes, some people believe that. Liam informed me, "Well I believe it, and Jesus does too." It must be nice to have such confidence.
I would like to blog about how Finian pronounces the words "fork" and "shirt" but I fear the blog would be censored. Enough said. Tough not to laugh.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
ABC, easy as 123
Finn sang his ABCs tonight in the bathtub!!! We were all so excited. He has been stuck at "g" for a while now, and then all of the sudden tonight made it to "v" with ease. It was a very exciting moment for all of us. His other very cute current habit is to turn everything into a phone. At dinner, he puts his napkin to his ear and says, "Hello!" then laughs. It reminds us of when Liam was about his age, and would put his dinner to bed. He would put his napkin over his plate and say "night, night". So sweet.
In other exciting news, Connor Costello said "hi" to me on the phone today! Yes, I know this isn't their blog, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew. Sarah told him to say "Hi, Aunt Meg!" and he replied "HI!!!!!!!" I feel quite special, thank you very much!
In other exciting news, Connor Costello said "hi" to me on the phone today! Yes, I know this isn't their blog, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew. Sarah told him to say "Hi, Aunt Meg!" and he replied "HI!!!!!!!" I feel quite special, thank you very much!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Getting so big
Liam has made several declarations recently, which made me very excited that he is getting so big. Last night, he declared, "I like zucchini now! Thank you for making me zucchini!" Hurrah! It only took 3 years of attempts! Tonight, he reinforced his big boy-ness by stating happily, "I have good news, Mom. I don't eat boogers anymore!" We are so proud. Finn is also making great strides. Now, when you ask him what color something is, he says, "I don't know that!" These boys will be off to college soon. Oh--and this week Liam has plans to marry his friend Abby. I hope I have some time before grandkids. :-)
Easter 2007

The boys were quite excited to find the Easter bunny had brought them baskets. Finn got the "Radiator Springs" Lightening McQueen in his basket and Liam got Sally. Finn promptly took Sally from Liam, held both cars tightly to his chest, smiled, and cried out, "Mine!" Liam cried, the car was returned, Finn cried, and the entire scenario was repeated several more times. Such fun! Liam was also quite confused by the Peeps in his basket, and after pondering them for several minutes, declared happily, "Ducky playdough!" before being told it was candy and he could eat it. Oh, the joy that followed!
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